Heirloom Tomato, White Nectarine, and Mozzarella Salad with Blackberries and Sweet Basil

Source: Charlie Vollmar, Epicurean Exchange

Recipe Type: | Seasons: ,

This recipe was demonstrated for CUESA’s Market to Table program on September 21, 2012.

Serves 6 to 8


3 assorted large heirloom tomatoes (such as Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, and Marvel Stripe), cut into 1-inch chunks
3 assorted small heirloom tomatoes (such as Green Zebra, Black Prince, and cherry or pear tomatoes)
½ pound fresh cow’s milk mozzarella, in brine, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 firm but ripe white nectarines, pitted and cut into 1-inch chunks
½ cup blackberries
6 to 8 medium-sized fresh basil leaves
3 tablespoons good quality extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons Unio Moscatel wine vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


1.    In a medium bowl, combine the cut tomatoes, mozzarella, nectarines, and blackberries. Tear the basil leaves into ¼-inch pieces and add to the bowl. Gently fold the ingredients together.

2.    Drizzle the mixture with the olive oil and vinegar. Season generously with salt and pepper.

3.    Fold until well combined. Taste, and adjust flavors and seasonings, if necessary.

4.    Place the salad on a serving platter and present immediately.


Farmers Market Ingredients