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How To Apply For a Replacement Birth Certificate in Kenya: Online And Physical Methods

an image of Birth Certificate: How To Apply For a Replacement Birth Certificate in Kenya :A birth certificate is a vital document required for various services.

Image Illustration of a Birth Certificate

A birth certificate is a vital document required for various services, including school enrollment, applying for an ID card, passport, or visa.

However, circumstances such as theft, fire, or misplacement can lead to the loss of a birth certificate. In such cases, it is crucial to apply for a replacement promptly.

In Kenya, there are two methods for applying for a replacement birth certificate: online application through the eCitizen portal and physical application at the Registration of Births and Deaths office or Huduma Centre.

Replacement Birth Certificate Online Application

The online application process involves utilizing the eCitizen portal to request a replacement birth certificate.

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To complete the online application, you will need the following documents: scanned copies of your parents’ identification cards, a copy of the lost birth certificate or birth notification (if available). Follow these steps:


Replacement Birth Certificate Physical Application

The physical application method involves visiting the office of the Registration of Births and Deaths in your county or the nearest Huduma Centre.

Gather the following documents: a copy of the birth notification or birth certificate (if available), original ID/Passport/Birth Certificate of both parents, copies of parents’ ID or Passport, and a school leaving certificate if you are above 18 years old. Follow these steps:

Whether you opt for the online or physical application method, obtaining a replacement birth certificate in Kenya is a straightforward process.

Online application through the eCitizen portal offers convenience and efficiency, while physical application at the Registration of Births and Deaths office or Huduma Centre allows for a personal interaction with the registrar.

Ensure you have the necessary documents and fees ready to facilitate a smooth application process and acquire your replacement birth certificate promptly.

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