Police are investigating a known land grabbing gang operating in Nairobi’s Eastleigh area for action.
This is after they realized increased schemes of land grabbing and defrauding innocent and powerless land owners in areas of Eastleigh and Pangani areas of Nairobi.
Police said they have profiled the gang and it is a matter of time before action time starts.
They target property whose leases have expired.
“Woe unto those whose leasehold titles are nearing expiry as their parcels are now fodder for cartels with strong ties at city hall lands offices,” said a senior official aware of the cartel.
Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said they are investigating the claims of grabbing and destruction of property.
The recent victim is businessman Khalid Khan the owner of plot number LR.209/2389/129.
Khan was evicted from his developed parcel on the evening of February 3 2024 by goons lead by Erick Kiunda aka Ngarang acting on behalf of a cartel of notorious land grabbers.
The goons invaded the plot at around 5 pm with a group of youth said to be from Huruma Kiamaiko area, numbering between 30 and 40.
They evicted other tenants in the plot and also attempted to fence off the property with mabati.
The situation was quelled by local police who arrested Ngarang and a few of his goons.
Khan has the support of his neighbors who spent the night out in the cold to try and protect the property.
More revelation has established that one Francis Maina Ndegwa was granted a new certificate of lease on November 9, 2023 in regards to the same parcel now converted to Nairobi/Block 40/188.
Interestingly, the term of lease starts from 1/04/2007.
Through connections from City Hall, Maina has already secured orders to carryout repairs of the said property as supported by a document signed by Michael Munyi acting for Director Planning Compliance and Enforcement.
This is just but an illustration of the plight facing many land owners in Nairobi areas of Eastleigh and Pangani.
But the team of detectives has vowed to deal with the matter for justice.
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