I dont know why it is that Kenyan Media companies have no given ICt or social mediathe kind of dedicated channel it requites. Nation Media Group gives is very shallow coverage with those journalistscovering ICt stories not having much info about ICT leave alone social media.
How can a journalist talk about twitter while he/she has doesnt have even a twitter account and so doesnt know much about the social media vocabularies and trends.
I had a chance to read Daily Nation of 30th December and saw a headline reading “Website Launched” on top of a photo of KENIC boss Burachara launching the info.ke and mobi.ke domains. Citizen Tv, KTN and NTV all in their Prime time news had the same story headed Website Launched while no website was actually launched by anybody.
I tried accessing Standard Media Website but I am getting an error which is normaly happening alot with the websites. Its embaraasing that no TV station in Kenya has a program dedicated to the wide ICT and Tech Gadgets which is big news.
Capital fm has been doing alot of business coverage especially during the day where during Weekdays in the hour you will get business news. You will not hear much of ICT news apart from them telling you the good website they have.
Daily Nation gives ICT news coverage through Winfred Kagwe and Jeevans Nyabiage in Smart Company and Money magazines which appear on Tuesday and Thursdays respectively. Again on Friday, Nation has a Gadgets corner in the Zuqka magazine which apparently is a copy paste of what they mine all over the net but not the review of the cool gadgets available in the Kenyan market.
Kiss Tv is an entertainment channel and we will expect them to have more ICT news especially the cool gadgets Celebs should be having. Its a good start considering that KIss FM website died sometime in 2005 and has never seen the light of the day and it looks like Tech or Online phobia in Radio Africa is being healed by some magic.
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