Booker Omole Archives - KahawaTungu Bitter! Sweet! Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:02:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Booker Omole Archives - KahawaTungu 32 32 Communist Party Marxist Announces Politburo, Reveals Lineup of Members Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:02:26 +0000 The Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya has announced the formation of the Politburo, following the successful meeting of the full Plenum of the 1st Central Organising Committee (COC) and the Central Youth Leadership of the 2nd National Congress. The historic gathering took place on 24th and 25th November 2024 at Taj Towers, Upper Hill, Nairobi. [...]

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The Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya has announced the formation of the Politburo, following the successful meeting of the full Plenum of the 1st Central Organising Committee (COC) and the Central Youth Leadership of the 2nd National Congress.

The historic gathering took place on 24th and 25th November 2024 at Taj Towers, Upper Hill, Nairobi.

Under the chairmanship of Comrade Walter Nyaluogo, the Politburo represents the highest decision-making body of the CPM Kenya between Central Organizing Committee meetings.

This vital organ, the party says, has been established to ensure that the Party remains firmly anchored in its revolutionary principles while advancing the objectives of the National Democratic Revolution and the socialist transformation of Kenya.

“The Politburo will perform its duties in accordance with the rich traditions of Marxism-Leninism, encompassing strategic leadership, policy development, implementation oversight, unity and discipline, political coordination and crisis resolution,” Party Secretary-General Booker Omole said.

It will also focus on providing resolute leadership during periods of internal or external challenges, representation and ideological advancement geared towards advancing and disseminating Marxist-Leninist theory, adapted to Kenya’s socio-economic realities.

The Politburo also established several special roles which include; Advising the Central Organising Committee (COC) on matters of policy and organisational strategy, overseeing the Pio Gama Pinto Institute to establish it as a centre for revolutionary education and ideological training and leading theoretical development through the Party’s publications.

The Communist Party Marxist Kenya’s Politburo will comprise of several key players including Walter Nyaluogo (Chair), Booker Omole (Sec-Gen), Kaluka Mwaivu, George Kirowe, Armani Kibet, Kiritu Chege and Ashlyn Ajiambo.

“Under the leadership of Comrade Walter Nyaluogo, the Politburo is committed to building a socialist Kenya and securing national liberation,” Booker Omole said. “Its formation marks a new era of ideological clarity and organisational strength in the Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya.”

He added: “This reflects the Party’s dedication to advancing its revolutionary mission while maintaining unity and discipline in the face of complex socio-political challenges.”

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Communist Party SG Omole Formally Addresses Niger Convention on the Sahel People Tue, 19 Nov 2024 15:22:28 +0000 The General-Secretary of the Communist Party Marxist – Kenya (CPM) Booker Omole has delved into his first international foray as General Secretary, just a day after being elected to the coveted position. Omole, who is in Niamey, Niger, for the convention dubbed “Conference in Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel”, addressed his first international [...]

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The General-Secretary of the Communist Party Marxist – Kenya (CPM) Booker Omole has delved into his first international foray as General Secretary, just a day after being elected to the coveted position.

Omole, who is in Niamey, Niger, for the convention dubbed “Conference in Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel”, addressed his first international audience, taking with him a message of Pan-Africanism, resistance to imperialism, denouncement of neo-colonialism and also a call for the strengthening of revolutionary forces across the world.

Booker, who has steadfastly maintained his allegiance to the African people’s struggles, starting with his own home country, Kenya, expressed his admiration for recent Niger revolution which has seen the expulsion of external forces and the unification of the country. He also echoed the sentiments of the rulers of Niger, maintaining that his party, Communist Party Marxist, was committed to uniting all of Africa’s revolutionary forces.

“The Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya, stands in solidarity with the peoples of the Sahel and affirms our unwavering commitment to the struggle against imperialism,” he said.

“Our presence at the Conference in Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, held in Niamey, Niger, underscores our dedication to fostering Pan-African unity, sovereignty, and genuine independence from the shackles of neo-colonial control.”

Booker also said that his party, which he represents at the highest level, was proud of the recent wave of progressive military actions which have swept the Sahel region, especially in countries like Mali and Burkina Faso.

These actions, he said, reflected the popular will to ‘dismantle puppet regimes, overthrow systems of corruption and resist neo-colonial domination’.

He said: “The courageous military and civilian forces standing against imperialism embody the aspirations of our continent’s oppressed masses. We call upon these revolutionary forces to form tactical alliances, rooted in Pan-African unity, and to channel their victories towards the establishment of pro-people socialist economies that benefit all citizens.”

Booker also took time to express his party’s position when it came to foreign military bases camping on African soil, saying that the move was a violation of the sovereignty of African states as well as a subversion of Africa’s pursuit for self-determination.

“Such bases deepen colonial wounds and perpetuate violence, resource exploitation, and political interference. The CPM Kenya calls for the immediate dismantling of all foreign military installations, including those established by France and its Western allies,” he said.

He added, “We demand that Africa be given the freedom to chart its own destiny—free from foreign coercion and militarised subjugation.”

The ongoing Niger, which will run from November 19-21, 2024, has been organized by the Pan Africanism Today ( PAT) Secretariat and the West Africa People’s Organization ( WAPO).

The gathering brings together over 300 delegates, including trade unions, leftist parties, and anti-imperialist movements, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by Western influence, particularly French and NATO-led interventions in the Sahel.

A key theme of the conference has been the systemic exploitation of Africa’s natural and economic resources by Western powers under the guise of “stability” and “counter-terrorism.”

Conference speakers have highlighted the hypocrisy of Western policies, which support or oppose political transitions and military actions based solely on their geopolitical interests.

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Booker Omole Elected as Communist Party Marxist General Secretary Sun, 17 Nov 2024 10:32:35 +0000 The first day of the much-anticipated second national Congress of the Communist Party of Kenya went down at the United Kenya Club on Saturday, November 16, bringing together delegates from all around the world and from the 47 counties of Kenya, too. The convention, gathered under the auspices of “……” was held after a heightened [...]

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The first day of the much-anticipated second national Congress of the Communist Party of Kenya went down at the United Kenya Club on Saturday, November 16, bringing together delegates from all around the world and from the 47 counties of Kenya, too.

The convention, gathered under the auspices of “……” was held after a heightened political blitz which underscored the Party’s commitment to the plight of the average Kenyan worker, even after an acrimonious split from an earlier faction led by now a government-allied entity.

Revolutionary politician Booker Omole, who had, until yesterday, served as the Vice-Chairman of the Communist Party of Kenya, was now installed as the General-Secretary of the revamped party – now aptly named the Communist Party Marxist – Kenya (CPM-K).

Booker, a firebrand political star with exemplary oratory skills and exceptional grassroots expertise, emerged victorious as delegates undertook a secret voting session to restructure the new party, install new leaders, chart a new path and reorganise their political objectives.

Speaking at the Congress, attended by hundreds of fervent members and international delegates, Omole made his intentions clear – spelling out the Party’s new direction while at the same time sharing the party vision which he said aligned with the Party’s current realities and the long-term interest of the movement.

“In a significant move to sharpen our ideological clarity, we have ratified the reconstitution of our Party as the Communist Party Marxist Kenya (CPM-K),” he said. “This reconstitution including name change underscores our steadfast dedication to Marxist principles and unflinching commitment to the complete emancipation of our people.”

Booker also thanked the Party’s delegates for entrusting the party leadership with him, also taking time to remind the congregants of his purpose for leadership – to ensure that he would be strictly guided by the revolutionary principles.

He said: “I am deeply honoured and humbled by the trust placed in me by the Congress delegates and also extend my heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected members of the Central Organizing Committee (COC).”

“This moment reflects the collective strength, discipline, and dedication of all comrades’ present. In CPM-K, leadership is a responsibility rooted in service, not privilege. We are guided by the principle of revolutionary division of labour, ensuring each comrade contributes fully and equally to our shared mission.”

On the Party’s path forward, Booker reiterated the principles of Marxism and a just society for all, while at the same time unveiling the Party’s new look and feel – complete with a new emblem, flag and colors.

Amongst the Party’s new objectives and changes include; renewed Party Symbols and identity, organisational and structural reforms, strategic resolutions and programmatic focus as well as approval of foundational documents.

The Communist Party Marxist – Kenya’s new emblem shall now feature a red star, hammer and sickle in gold while the flag shall be in red – framed by a red star with a gold lining. To represent the Party’s revolutionary heritage, strength and sacrifices, the official colors shall be gold, black and red.

In tandem with Booker’s assumption as the General-Secretary, several other figures were named in key positions including; Mwaivu Kaluka (National Chairperson), Kinuthia Ndung’u ( Organizing Secretary), Michelle Anyango (Vice-Chairperson), Wesley Wagumba (National Treasurer) and Armani Kibet (Chairperson of Revolutionary Youth League).

The convention also featured speakers from various nations from across the world including South Africa, Tanzania, Germany, Britain, the US, South Korea, China and Venezuela.

“This leadership team embodies the spirit of our struggle, with a renewed focus on building a mass revolutionary movement,” Booker said.

“We are tasked with deepening the Party’s roots within the working masses and bringing forth new, committed cadres to carry the torch of our people’s democratic revolution.”

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Communist Party’s Omole Lashes Out at Former Comrades, Outlines Purpose of Saturday’s Convention Fri, 15 Nov 2024 08:30:36 +0000 The much-anticipated Communist Party of Kenya second national Congress, slated to go down tomorrow, Saturday, November 16, is promising to be a political game-changer as the conveners seek to revolutionize Kenyan politics and deliver a people-based agenda. While addressing the party members, who now have been identified as the Majority, after a faction led by former [...]

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The much-anticipated Communist Party of Kenya second national Congress, slated to go down tomorrow, Saturday, November 16, is promising to be a political game-changer as the conveners seek to revolutionize Kenyan politics and deliver a people-based agenda.

While addressing the party members, who now have been identified as the Majority, after a faction led by former leaders went to bed with the government, Booker Omole, the current party Vice-Chairman, has spelt out the purpose of the Congress, the ideals the party believes in, the call for a unified approach and the need for loyalty and integrity in one’s dealings with the Party.

Omole, a firebrand leader who has been at the forefront of championing for the rights of Kenyans and the idealization of a just and fair nation, also lashed out at the leaders of the Minority faction, who he said had betrayed the movement and had put their personal needs ahead of the general goodwill of the people.

While also asking members to rally together and advance the cause of Kenya’s pasts freedom fighters, he said: “The weighty task is party building, to fulfil our historic mission in great honour of our forbearers and to secure the future of the homeland. The most urgent task is to complete our independence by building on the legacy of our hero of independence, Field Marshall Dedan Kimathi, and to advance the course of socialism.”

Booker also called for the members to be upload the party’s solidarity, slamming party unfaithfulness and greed, while also asking the members to scrutinise themselves and live up to the best versions of themselves.

“Members must uphold the Party’s solidarity and unity, be loyal to and honest with the Party, match words with deeds, firmly oppose all factions and small-clique activities, and oppose double-dealing and scheming of any kind,”he said.

“Members must earnestly engage in criticism and self-criticism and boldly expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes.”

Omole also added that Communist Party of Kenya of the Majority endeavours to dissect the underlying causes of the current crisis plaguing the Party, stressing that membership must glean insights from the Party’s internal crisis, fostering introspection to fortify the Party’s ideological integrity rooted in the Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Addressing the members, Kinuthia Ndung’u, who is the Party’s Interim Chairperson of the Majority faction also added that the Party must be the advanced detachment of the working class, reiterating that it must consist of the best elements, class-conscious and resolute members of the working class.

“It is being with the peasant farmers in Gem and all other regions sharing their successes and failures. It is joining trade unions and clarifying our ideas as we combat reactionary view like economism,” he said.

“It is forming and joining co-operatives to empower the workers. It is organizing the Kenyan masses burdened with a high living cost and privatisation of public goods to get material gains as we explain our alternative.”

Ndung’u also stressed the need for the party to identity with the masses, saying that, it is only by listening to the people, addressing their concerns and solving the problems, that the party’s ideological foundations could be realized.

“We cannot call CPK a vanguard organization if we have no link with the masses. Our theory only becomes a material force once it grips the masses; this is only through going into their midst, make efforts to solve their problems, drawing upon their experience , listening to their ideas, synthesizing these ideas and going back to them in an endless cycle to propagate and explain our ideas until they embrace them as their own,” he stressed.

Omole also castigated former leaders, who now lead the Minority faction, for joining forces with President Ruto, going to bed with the government and forgetting the cause – representing Kenya’s poor and down trodden.

“Their collusion with Ruto’s camp, under the pretext of advancing the Party’s interests, serves as a testament to the serious betrayal of our great party,” he said.

“Their actions epitomize a betrayal of Kenyan workers and rural poor, motivated by personal gain and political expediency.”

The Communist Party of Kenya second national Congress, to happen this weekend, will see thousands of delegates, drawn from all across the country and from various parts of the world, gather in Nairobi for an activity-packed two day marathon.

It will then culminate with a massive reggae concert at Githurai 44, one of the epicentre of police brutality during the height of the anti-government protests.

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Booker Omole Speaks on Upcoming Communist Party of Kenya Congress, Outlines Weekend’s Jam-packed Activities Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:56:00 +0000 The upcoming Communist Party of Kenya national Congress, to be held this weekend Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, Nov 17, is promising to be a revolutionary spectacle as Communist leaders drawn from all over the world gather for what has been dubbed as a pivotal turning point in the history of Kenya’s politics. Speaking at [...]

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The upcoming Communist Party of Kenya national Congress, to be held this weekend Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, Nov 17, is promising to be a revolutionary spectacle as Communist leaders drawn from all over the world gather for what has been dubbed as a pivotal turning point in the history of Kenya’s politics.

Speaking at a press conference at the Party’s headquarters in Nairobi, the party’s Vice-Chairman Booker Omole spoke glowingly of the much-anticipated day, outlining the day’s pompous activities and promising to officially launch the Communist Party Marxist – Kenya.

Flanked by some of the party’s leaders and ranking members, including Kinuthia Ndung’u, the interim Chairperson of the Majority faction, Omole lashed out at some of the figures who had decided to abandon the movement and betray the ideals of the Party, warning dire consequences on them and vowing to forge ahead, unbowed.

He also said that the Congress was coming at a difficult time where the Party had faced unimaginable fights and even State-sponsored attacks.

He said: “This Congress arrives at a critical juncture, amidst intensified political repression, class struggle, and efforts to thwart our revolutionary mission.”

“Our leadership and members continue to face physical and digital surveillance, state-backed attacks, and betrayal from opportunistic factions that have partnered with the reactionary regime of President William Ruto—a comprador puppet of U.S. imperialism.”

Omole also added that the Party had now split into two factions – pointing out that, there was a majority faction and a minority one. He, however, said that he was backed by the majority who had stayed steadfast in their quest to idealize the principals of Marxism-Leninism.

“The Congress is convened by the CPK Majority under the guidance of Kinuthia Ndung’u following the successful conclusion of our rectification program which has reaffirmed our Party’s vanguard role for the Kenyan working class,” he said.

He also lashed out at the leaders of the minority faction, led by Mwandawiro Mganga and Benedict Wachira, who he said had chosen collusion with imperialist-backed forces.

On his part, Kinuthia Ndung’u said that the two-day Congress was expected to pull delegates from all the 47 counties of Kenya, also adding that there would be international representatives of communist and workers’ organisations drawn from allover the world.

“Over the two-day Congress, 126 accredited delegates from all 47 counties will gather alongside 54 representatives of international communist and workers’ organizations, bringing our total participation to 180,” he said.

He added, “Together, we shall reaffirm our historical mission: to complete Kenya’s independence by dismantling the neo-colonial order and establishing a socialist foundation.”

Omole also outlined some of the key areas the Congress would focus on, which are; Affirming the struggle for independence and socialism, rebuilding the party’s ideological foundations, strengthening party structures and mass organisations, cultural and historic renewal and defeating counter-revolutionary forces.

Omole also reiterated that the upcoming convention was not merely a political event but a tactical step in solidifying the Party’s position as the protector of Kenya’s working class.

“The Congress is not merely an event but a process—a powerful step in solidifying our position as the vanguard of Kenya’s working class. It serves as a reminder that our revolution is both immediate and enduring, fuelled by the sacrifices and unwavering commitment of our comrades,” he said.

“Together, we will confront imperialism, build alliances with revolutionary forces across Africa, and continue our march toward a free and socialist Kenya.”

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Time’s Up! Communist Party of Kenya Vice-Chair Booker Omole Rallies Youth Against Tribalism, Political Complacency Mon, 11 Nov 2024 11:15:28 +0000 Communist Party of Kenya Vice-Chairman Booker Omole has continued pushing to pressure the government as he seeks to recruit more youth into power and inspire the masses to embrace uncompromising leadership. The firebrand, who has lately become a Pan-African sensation with his radical messaging, revolutionary talk, and fiery speeches, on Sunday, November 10, spoke at [...]

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Communist Party of Kenya Vice-Chairman Booker Omole has continued pushing to pressure the government as he seeks to recruit more youth into power and inspire the masses to embrace uncompromising leadership.

The firebrand, who has lately become a Pan-African sensation with his radical messaging, revolutionary talk, and fiery speeches, on Sunday, November 10, spoke at the historic Jacaranda Gardens where he marshaled the masses and censured the government for the wanton killing and arrest of Kenya’s youth.

Donning his signature militant attire, Omole charged the crowd, calling for Kenyans to bestow dignity on the lost souls who were murdered by the police during the anti-government protests while at the same time reiterating his message of revenge against the perpetrators of injustice onto the Kenyan people.

“We have to revenge, because those who kill us, steal from us and abduct us when they’re in power, we are taking political power to arrest them, confiscate their wealth and jail them. That is the revenge,” he said.

“70 young people were murdered by this regime. The future of our young people was stolen by this regime. The temporary peace that has been brought in Kenya is for the rich, not for poor people. There is no peace for poor people. This is the peace for the businessmen. That’s why we are talking about revenge!”

A charged Omole continued to educate the masses on the perils of tribalism, pointing out specific junctures in the history of the country where tribe failed to benefit the people whose tribesman was in power.

“Tribe is a tool to divide people,” he said. “We had Kenyatta, Kibaki and Uhuru, but the majority of Kikuyus remain poor and landless. In Taita Taveta, the majority of squatters are Kikuyu, the people being murdered in Mpeketoni are Kikuyu.”

“The politics of tribalism will not take us anywhere. The only way that these criminals have been able to stay in power is because they can manipulate us, deceive us and divide us based on age and tribe. The truth is, the rich are managing this country for the benefit of the rich and the rich alone.”

As the thousands of youth agreed to his every word, Omole also took time to urge the Kenyan youth to seize political power, adding that, to successfully effect change in the country, the youth needed to be at the forefront of leadership if peace were to be realized.

“70 young people were murdered by this regime. The future of our young people was stolen by this regime. The temporary peace that has been brought in Kenya is for the rich, not for poor people. There is no peace for poor people. This is the peace for the businessmen,” he charged.

“We must give dignity to all who were murdered by the police. And the only way to do it is to take political power. We have erected a huge mural for Rex Maasai and another one for Bob Njagi , who was held in detention for 31 days….”

Omole, who this week is gearing up for a historic national Congress of the Communist Party of Kenya, also did not fail to point out the disparities between the rich and poor in Kenya, reminding supporters that Kenya’s rich, most of whom have taken up leadership positions, were acting on their own behalf and not for the people who elected them.

“Ruto’s illegitimate government was collapsing were it not for Raila Odinga. Let the poor people rise up and take political power. Without political power we are hopeless,” he said.

“We have to revenge, because those who kill us, steal from us and abduct us when they’re in power, we are taking political power to arrest them, confiscate their wealth and jail them. That is the revenge!”

Booker’s unrepentant message comes just days before he convenes thousands of Kenyans in Nairobi for the much-anticipated National Congress. The Congress is expected to draw tens of high-profile leaders from across the World, all united under the Communist Party of Kenya ideals.

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Activist Booker Omole Rejects Kindiki’s Appointment as New DP Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:21:41 +0000 Political activist and revolutionary Booker Omole has initiated a protest against the nomination of Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki as the new deputy president. In a statement on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Omole, who is the Vice-chairman of the Communist Party of Kenya party, said that Kindiki’s hands are full of blood hence he cannot [...]

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Political activist and revolutionary Booker Omole has initiated a protest against the nomination of Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki as the new deputy president.

In a statement on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Omole, who is the Vice-chairman of the Communist Party of Kenya party, said that Kindiki’s hands are full of blood hence he cannot be allowed to become the second in command.

“Professor (Kithure) Kindiki is the enemy of the Kenyan people. We must never accept a deputy president whose hands are full of blood of innocent Kenyan people. We just don’t reject the nomination of Professor Kindiki as the deputy president-elect, but we also reject the vote crowd in parliament that continues to be used by the Kenya Kwanza regime to undermine the Kenyan people,” he stated.

Kindiki has been highly blamed for the death of over 60 Kenyans during the anti-government protests between June and August.

According to a report released in September by six prominent human rights organisations, including Amnesty International, six people were killed on June 25 when Kenyans breached Parliament security and occupied parliament buildings, while 72 were either abducted or remain missing as a result of the protest.

The report noted that the six were confirmed to have been shot dead, while 61 fatalities were documented throughout various protests in 2024.

“The level of violence and disregard for human rights during the protest is unacceptable,” Amnesty International said in its report.

“The authorities had ample time to prepare for a peaceful protest, but instead, the response was characterized by excessive use of force.”

67 cases of enforced disappearances have been lodged this year, with 40 cases resolved so far, leaving 27 still unresolved.

The International Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU) has conducted 49 autopsies on victims of the protests.

According to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), human rights organisations facilitated the “release of over 300 persons illegally detained” on June 25, 2024.

“As of the end August, the Law Society of Kenya had documented 72 people that had been abducted, released, or were still missing in relation to the protests. Thirteen disappeared on June 25, and a further twenty-three went missing within seven days of this protest,” the report read in part.

Amnesty International’s weapons experts identified that law enforcement used various firearms and crowd-control weapons, including G3, AK-47, Galil-pattern rifles, and CZ Scorpion EVO 3 submachine guns.

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