Residents of Ibacho, Masaba South Sub-County in Kisii, Friday appealed to the County authorities to undertake repair roads in the area.
With the onset of rains many of the road repairs have since turned into muddy paths slowing down transportation of produce to markets.
Villagers, in dozens, Friday drew into the Ibacho to protest against the deplorable roads further vowing a string of more if no action is taken.
“I am here to protest not because am against the governor but because of poor services from his administration,” John Getwambu told journalists.
The heavy rains have worsened the state of most County roads across the region.
“Rain is almost every day occurrence here and this requires that we elect leaders with foresightedness and vision . Had they undertaken proper repairs and maintenance on this road we couldn’t be here protesting,” he said.
Thomas Gekone, bodaboda rider said the deteriorating level of infrastructure across the Clinton should spur voters to elect good leaders next time.
“Next time when we go to polls let us vote those keen on development not dishing handouts,” he said.
Mary Kwamboka, a vegetable seller, said she tumbled off a bodaboda and it took a fortune to treat her injured tibia
“The rider was going through some muddy section when he hit a pothole sending me flying onto a stone on the road side which scratched meat off my leg,” she narrated showing a scar.
The residents are planning do a major demonstrations to force their County to action.
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