Nyamira MCAs are set to introduce an impeachment motion against Governor Amos Nyaribo during Tuesday’s County Assembly sitting.
The Ward Reps have leveled several accusations against the county boss with the motion’s mover scheduled to table the motion in the afternoon.
Over the weekend, however, the governor said he was ready for talks with the lawmakers and welcomed a request from religious leaders to act as a mediator.
About 24 of the Nyamira County Assembly’s 34 MCAs signed the impeachment motion, verified their signatures with the clerk last Thursday, and swore not to withdraw their support.
For the motion to be approved by the Senate and be considered, it must receive the support of at least 23 MCAs.
The governor will then either be investigated by an 11-member committee set up by the Senate, or he will face the plenary.
Grounds for removing a governorĀ from office by impeachment
According to article 181 of the constitution, a governor can be removed due to: Gross violation of the Constitution or any other law.
A county chief can also be removed from office where there are serious reasons to believe that they have committed a crime under national or international law, abuse of office or gross misconduct.
They can also be ousted over physical or mental incapacity to perform the functions of the office of the county governor.
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